Changing the character set

With default training settings, the CAIMAN-ASR model will only output lowercase ASCII characters, space, and '. This page describes how to change the settings to support additional characters or different languages.

The code has been tested with English language training, but it provides basic support for other languages. If you would like additional support for a specific language, please contact


Step 1: Choose a character set

As described above, the default character set is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '.

The maximum size of your character set is the sentencepiece vocabulary size, as each character in the character set receives a unique token in the sentencepiece vocabulary. See here for the vocabulary size for each model configuration.

We recommend keeping the character set at least an order of magnitude smaller than the sentencepiece vocabulary size. Otherwise there may be too few multi-character subwords in the vocabulary, which might make the model less effective.

Step 2: Choose a normalizer

It's possible for the raw training data to contain characters other than those in the character set. For instance, an English dataset might contain "café", even if the character set is only ASCII.


Training will crash if there are characters in the dataset that are not in the character set.

To handle these rare characters, you can select a normalizer in the yaml config file. The options, in order of least to most interference, are:

  • identity
    • Does not transform the input text
  • scrub
    • Removes characters that are not in the config file's character set
    • Recommended for languages that use a character set different than ASCII
  • ascii
    • Replaces non-ASCII characters with ASCII equivalents
    • For example, "café" becomes "cafe"
    • Recommended if model is predicting English with digits
    • Also applies scrub
  • digit_to_word
    • Replaces digits with their word equivalents
    • For example, "123rd" becomes "one hundred and twenty-third"
    • Assumes English names for numbers
    • Also applies ascii and scrub
  • lowercase
    • Lowercases text and expands abbreviations
    • For example, "Mr." becomes "mister"
    • This is the default normalizer
    • Recommended for predicting lowercase English without digits
    • Also applies digit_to_word, ascii, and scrub

Step 3: Custom replacements

You may want to tweak how text is normalized, beyond the five normalizers listed above. For example, you might want to make the following changes to your training transcripts:

  • Replace ";" with ","
  • Replace "-" with " " if normalization is on and "-" isn't in your character set, so that "twenty-one" becomes "twenty one" instead of "twentyone"

You can make these changes by adding custom replacement instructions to the yaml file. Example:

      - old: ";"
        new: ","
      - old: "-"
        new: " "

In the normalization pipeline, these replacements will be applied just before the transcripts are scrubbed of characters not in the character set. The replacements will still be applied even if the normalizer is identity, although by default there are no replacements.

Step 4: Tag removal

Some datasets contain tags, such as <silence> or <affirmative>. By default, these tags are removed from the training transcripts during on-the-fly text normalization, before the text is tokenized. Hence the model will not predict these tags during inference. If you want the model to be trained with tags and possibly predict tags during inference, set remove_tags: false in the yaml file.


If you set remove_tags: false but do not train your tokenizer on a dataset with tags, the tokenizer will crash if it sees tags during model training or validation.

Step 5: Update fields in the model configuration

You'll want to update:

  • the character set under labels to your custom character set
  • the normalizer under normalize_transcripts
  • the replacements under replacements
  • Whether to remove tags, under remove_tags

Step 6: Train a sentencepiece model

The following command is used to train the Librispeech sentencepiece model using the default character set, as happens here:

python caiman_asr_train/data/spm/ --spm_size "$SPM_SIZE" \
	--spm_name "$SPM_NAME" --data_dir "$DATA_DIR" \
	--train_manifests $TRAIN_MANIFESTS \
	--output_dir /datasets/sentencepieces \
	--model_config "$RUN_CONFIG"

This script reads the config file, so it will train the correct sentencepiece model for your character set, normalizer, and replacements.

You may also wish to run some other scripts in scripts/, such as the scripts that prepare the LM data and train the n-gram LM using your new tokenizer.

Step 7: Finish filling out the model configuration

If you haven't filled out the standard missing fields in the yaml config file, be sure to update them, especially the sentpiece_model you trained in Step 6.

Step 8: Large character sets

If you are training on a language like Chinese that has a large character set, be sure to train a sentencepiece model with at least as many tokens as there are unique characters.


You may also want to use character error rate

The sentencepiece model will not include characters in its vocabulary if they are exceptionally rare in the training data. This is not an issue when training on English, since no character is very rare. But for other languages, this can cause training to crash during the token cache generation.

To prevent this, you can change the error to a warning:

  1. If your sentencepiece model is /path/to/sentencepiece.model, create a file called /path/to/sentencepiece.yaml. This is a configuration file that controls global settings for the sentencepiece model.
  2. Add the following line:
    unk_handling: WARN
    (The default is FAIL.)
  3. If you still see many (>100) warnings about unknown tokens during training, there likely is a true problem with your sentencepiece model. Please contact so Myrtle can add support for your language.

Inspecting character errors

By default, the WER calculation ignores capitalization or punctuation errors. If you would like to see an analysis of these errors, you can use the flag --breakdown_wer.