Checkpoint Averaging
Vaswani et. al. 2017 and Izmailov et. al. 2018 average the last N checkpoints during training, which leads to better generalisations and flatter optima. Wortsman et. al. 2022 propose model soups, whereby weights of multiple fine-tuned models are averaged to produce a single model that combines the strengths of the individual fine-tuned models. We have also found checkpoint averaging to improve accuracy (~1-2% relative reduction in WER), by averaging the best N checkpoints (from the same training run) based on validation WER.
To average the weights of a set of checkpoints, run the following command:
python caiman_asr_train/export/ --ckpts path/to/ path/to/ path/to/ --output_path path/to/ --model_config path/to/config.yaml
This script simply averages the weights of a list of checkpoints, and does not find the best N checkpoints from a given training run - this must be done manually at the moment, for example, by checking tensorboard logs.
By default, CAIMAN-ASR already uses exponential moving average (EMA) weights, which stabilise training and lead to smoother convergence by maintaining a running average of model weights, with greater weighting on the most recent model weights. However, checkpoint averaging can provide an improvement on top of EMA weights.